our products...

This shows a small sample of the blocks we supply and does not cover our complete range.  Please forward details of any individual requirements and we will provide a detailed quotation.
Dimensions (mm)

Pressed surface(dm²)

PD 1/1 255 124 200 350 1.81
PD 1/2 255 120 200 350 1.78
PD 3/1 255 150 200 350 2.00
PD 3/2 255 160 200 350 2.08
PD 4/1 255 100 200 350 1.63
PD 6/1 260 170 100 350 2.18
PD 7/1 272 124 100 220 1.90
PD 8/1 280 117 200 350 1.94
PD9/1 275 160 200 350 2.17
PD 11/1 288 200 200 350 2.54
PD 2/1 255 150 200 350 2.08
PD 5/1 300 150 200 350 2.33
PD 10/1 250 124 200 350 1.66
P3D 1/1 380 150 200 350 3.29
P4D 1/1 370 100 200 375 2.25